Examine Your Assumptions
Assumptions are a powerful thing. If we assume something, for example that it will rain today, it affects how we plan for that day. You might grab an umbrella, reschedule a hike, or cancel a trip to the beach. Let’s go deeper than just how it affects our day-planner. Merriam-Webster defines assumption in the […]
Pequenos Grupos
(Haga un clic aqui —-> Small Group Essentials Training Sessions Send article as PDF
Jovenes Soldados
Jovenes Soldados Curso Totally His Send article as PDF
Passion for the Poor
Click here to view the trailer for William Booth – A Passion for the Poor, a new documentary about the life of the founder of The Salvation Army. With restored film footage and specially treated photos, this 30-minute film looks at the life of William Booth, founder of The Salvation Army, and what he […]
Pete & Repeat
Do you remember this joke as a kid? Pete and repeat were in a boat and Pete fell out. Who was left? Repeat. And so the hysterical circle of 8-year old humor ensues. In Revelation 2 & 3 this phrase is repeated seven (7) times: “Anyone with […]