Lead Summit 2012

LEAD Summit 2012

The 3rd Annual LEAD Summit will be held in conjunction with the Old Orchard Beach Camp Meetings at the University of New England this year. Lay Leaders from around the Eastern Territory will gather to receive training in one of three tracks. Our theme for this year is REPLENISH.

Replenish, authored by Lance Witt, will help ministry leaders focus on their inner self, in order to remain spiritually healthy.Every leader functions on two stages-the public world and the private world. One cannot lead successfully in public when one is completely depleted in private. In a time when pastors are leaving the ministry in record numbers due to cynicism, disillusionment, weariness, and personal scandals, there is an urgent need for soul care in the private lives of leaders.

After worship each day, delegates will receive training in their chosen track. Here is an overview of what to expect.

Evangelism Track

  • Based on the book by Richard Peace, Holy Conversations will train you on how to engage in easy and comfortable conversation about the good news of Jesus—the pressure is off. By using small, easy steps, this track will explain the gospel in common terms and encourage you to share your faith in practical ways with friends, neighbors and colleagues. Throughout the week, you will be engaged in spiritual conversation inside and outside of the classroom in everyday language. This is the ideal track for helping laypeople to become competent and confident Christian conversationalists!
  • Developed by George G. Hunter III, Radical Outreach explains how the contemporary church can reclaim its ancient witness through hands-on ministries with nonbelievers.This track offers several helpful insights into church renewal. Ministry happens not only through preaching and evangelism but also through relationships and conversation. Of course, this requires that we move out of the confines of our church and develop relationships with people who are not (or not yet) Christians.

Discipleship Track

  • The First Steps track will give you practical tools for one-on-one discipleship. With it, you’ll be able to sit down with a new believer and lead them through a foundation-building process, grounding them in an active relationship with Jesus, altogether becoming a Christian who loves the Lord and loves others with a desire to serve.
  • What exactly is a small group? How can I start this ministry at my corps? This highly interactive introductory course will provide a Scriptural basis and practical overview of how to begin small groups at your corps. In this training, you will go through how your corps can start and grow a healthy small group ministry. Click here to watch a video on small groups.

Corps Leadership Track

  • The Adult Ministry track will provide an overview of the variety of adult ministry that can be seen in the Army. You will spend time learning about local officer positions, the job descriptions for the positions, as well as the O & R, answer the question “What is local officership?” and review the difference between a corps council and pastoral care. Delegates will have a chance to discover their spiritual gifts and how that can help direct you to serve where God designed you to be.
  • The Youth Ministry track will provide an overview of the variety of youth ministry that can be seen in the Army. You will spend time learning about local officer positions, the job descriptions for the positions, as well as the O & R for work among youth. Delegates will have a chance to discover the unique ways children learn and how we can best reach them for Christ.
  • This Music Ministry track will give current corps leaders and potential leaders the chance to enhance their leadership skills by receiving instruction, encouragement and additional resources needed to further their leadership abilities within Salvation Army music programs. Workshops and discussion would take place on various subjects and each delegate would get the chance to lead a band or singing group while receiving instruction and encouragement from presenters. This program would be ideal for a corps music leader or potential leader that is looking to improve their skills in front of a group and gain practical corps music leadership skills. Curriculum: Dr. Harold Burgmayers new book on music leadership would be used as the reference material for this seminar.

How can I register?

Speak with your Corps Officer or Divisional Lay Leader about registering for this gathering. Attached below is a list of Divisional Lay Leaders, a Letter for Corps Officers, and an Application.

2012 LEAD Application – Delegates

LEAD Letter to Corps Officers

Divisional Lay Leaders


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