
Titus 1:2
This truth gives them confidence that they have eternal life, which God—who does not lie—promised them before the world began.
When I listened to Titus 1 today, this verse struck me. The word I kept hearing was consistent. Paul is laying out his introduction to who God is, what he is about, and what it means for us. Even before God created mankind, knowing they would fall, he wanted us to have eternal life. That sentiment has not changed, God is consistent. Often times I strive for consistency, but my attempts often fall short. Every October I order a calendar refill for my written calendar, determined I will keep my task list, appointments, and other items up to date. Usually by February I have totally abandoned it. It is not one of my gifts to stay on task. God sends people along the way to help us; this can be to encourage us in our gifts and what we are consistent with, or it can be to jump in and be consistent where I am not gifted. I am thankful for those people in my life.
God wants good things for people. All people. He designed it that way. Celebrate where he has gifted you by being consistent with it, and ask Him to make you aware of those areas that need to be pared away.