
Small Group Life: Connections offers the casual, comfortable feel of a small group dynamic while providing sound Biblical teaching rooted in Scripture. Designed to be provocative and conversational, a sense of community is cultivated where hearts come alive and relationships grow.

Episode 7 Connections: Wired for Community
Though we are surrounded by people much of the time, it’s possible to feel isolated. In fact, the Enemy works hard to keep us that way. But we have not been created to go it alone. Instead, we have been wired for community. Just as God lives in perfect community within the Trinity so we bear His image. When we understand who we truly are and that we have been designed to live connected in a myriad of layers of community, we find the abundant life that Jesus promised. Connections: Wired for Community leads small group members on a journey to discover what true community is all about. Beginning with an understanding of self that leads to a relationship with God, members learn how to connect to others in healthy ways within their groups, their families, their neighborhoods, and even among the nations. A complete life is a connected lifeā€”in Christ.


*** A recommended resource that is available through the Territorial Lending Library. Click here to go to the library to borrow this for free.***    Send article as PDF   

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