Partners in Mission
Check out the latest update from our Global Partners in Mission!

Hands On 2013
Hands On Mission Teams for Summer 2013 will be going to Korea Territory and Southern Africa Territory! If you are interested in being a part of this mission, talk to your Corps Officer and fill out an application. All applications must be turned in with reference forms to the appropriate Divisional Youth Secretary by January […]
Honduras Narrative
Honduras Medical Mission Trip 2012 How does one describe a trip that is six days long and has elements of a regular Army M.A.S.H unit, an evangelistic campaign, a shoe drive and so much more? This tradition is over a decade strong. God combines the efforts of the Raymond Foundation and staff from the Cleveland […]

Triage in Honduras
By Captain Tracy Hughes In a tradition that is over a decade strong, a medical team made its annual pilgrimage to Honduras to meet physical, social, and spiritual needs of the people in Jesus’ name. The trip, a joint venture of the Raymond Foundation of Ohio, staff from the Cleveland Clinic, and The Salvation […]